Momentum Monday

Event Date

Feb 18, 2019

Three men braved the cold and wet for a solid Monday morning workout.


SSH 25 IC, Cherry Pickers 10 IC, ATM IC (15 alternating shoulder taps, 10 tempo merkins, 10 fast merkins)

The Thang

Run 9/10 mile loop with one stop for plank set

Launch from clubhouse parking lot – 3 stations – run to each of the stations for called exercise then run back to launch point and repeat called exercise from previous station. Pax called an exercise for each round – CDD's, one-leg burpees, jackies (burpees w/plank jack), bear crawls, staggered arm merkins, diamond merkins, crab cakes, crunchy frogs, etc etc. We did 4 or 5 rounds.

Final run – 1/2 mile to close

Total run was 2.75 miles


  • Double Double was ready to rock in full Navy gear this morning. Learned he has two brothers serving our country – one in the Navy and other in Air Force. Also learned his youngest brother is a doc and wrapping his residency now. Sounds like a family of over achievers!
  • El Tigre came in hot this morning. Sounded like some issues with his valet situation at the house.
  • Was wet this morning but somehow we avoided the rain.
  • Double Double coming strong with some new exercises from the F3 Nation site. He's Q on Thursday so look forward to some more of the new stuff. No pressure Double.
  • Great work today men. As always, my pleasure to lead.