Momentum Monday – Cul-de-mania

Event Date

Sep 16, 2019

Two men met on a full moon lit Monday morning to start out the week right.  Thank goodness Double Double showed up, or this would have been a lonely workout.  


  • SSD 25x IC
  • Cherry Pickers 10x IC
  • Windmill 10x IC
  • Toy Soldier 10x IC

The Main Event:

  • Run one mile to cul-de-sac near field and playground
  • Knee Up OYO 10x
  • Derkin 15x IC
  • Dips 15x IC
  • Run 1 mile to second cul-de-sac
  • Merkin 15x IC
  • Squats 15x IC
  • Patty Cake Merkin 10x IC
  • Run 0.5 miles to next cul-de-sac
  • Carolina Dry Dock 15x IC
  • Lunges 15x IC
  • J-Lo 15x IC
  • Run 0.4 miles back to base


  • Strong workout by Double Double
  • It was great to catch up.  Talked about our kids, the weather, the folks that did not show up…
  • Good workout Double.  Thank you for being there.