Monday Beat Down

Event Date

Jul 01, 2019

4 men showed up to start their week and month off right at Momentum.


SSH 25 IC, Cherry Pickers 10 IC


DMC (Duckwalk-Merkin-Reverse Bearcrawl) Launch from start of lower parking lot. Duck walk to the 4th parking line, 10 merkins, reverse bearcrawl back to launch point. Repeat to the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th parking lines increasing # of merkins by 5 (10, 15, 20, 25, 30). Pulled this from the F3 Nation site – good one to kick off a workout. El Tigre told me he almost punched me during the first 10 minutes of the workout…..good feedback my friend.

Run to front playground. One stop on way – ab sets called by Pax.

Playground set X4: 10 pull-ups, 15 derkins, 15 dips, 15 CDDs

Run back to clubhouse parking lot. Ab sets called by Pax.

Modified DMC – 3 times instead of 5 second time around. Changed up to mix in some lunge walks, forward bear crawls, burpees, merkins, etc.

Three sprints in clubhouse parking lot with Ab sets called by Pax in between.

Wrap with 10 burpees OYO and 10 merkins IC.

2.6 miles running total


  • Workout naming credit goes to Pinky – he said it was a beatdown afterwards. Appreciate the feedback.
  • Good to see Hambone again putting in some work in MIL. He's bringing the Nashville F3 stuff our way.
  • Sounds like Pinky had a solid week of vacation last week. Seems like they always go to quick.
  • El Tigre out there dominating as usual.
  • It was thick out there again today…..think its here to stay.
  • Great work gentlemen. Thanks for letting me lead on Monday AM.