Monday Circuit

Event Date

Mar 23, 2020




-Running Circuit

 *Stop #1 – 20 MERKINS

 *Stop #2 – 10 BURPEES

 *Stop (Sort of) #3 – BACKWARDS RUN

  *Stop #4 – 20 LBCs

  *Stop # 5– 5 PULL UPS



-YHC thought he wasn’t going to make it due to the 10-month-old being awake. At the last minute I got one of those angry “just go then” comments from the M when she realized I was going to work out instead of hanging out with the baby, so I did. I will be paying for that one all week (month). SMH.

-Cabin fever must be affecting memory. I was asked about the count of exercises almost every single round. Not sure if you were screwing with me or your mind has gone to mush.

-Apparently anytime a Q does burpees he is lazy? I think it is quite the opposite.

-Nice turnout during these strange times.

-A circuit is a natural way to spread people out. Worked great.

-Bertha didn’t tell us it was his birthday. Missed opportunity to sing to you.

-Have a safe week gentleman.
