Monday Morning Miles

Event Date

Aug 01, 2016


I might not normally post a backblast for a five-man straight-run workout, but today was my 1 year anniversary and I feel like being sappy for a bit longer than a tweet allows.  But first thing's first…


5 Pax felt like running some hills in the steamy post-thunderstorm gloom.  The trail of tears began with a 5:00 launch for Tantrum, Turnpike, and YHC for a single loop Standard.  We basically ran out to a familiar, hilly loop in Latta Springs and back… loop started at the top of Latta Springs Circle, down to the white fence / micro tower, up Mortimer Hill, around the back to Alba Rose and down to the start of the circle.  A nice, hilly, 1.1 mile-ish loop with a nearly 100 ft climb each lap.

Standard finished with a trot back to Hopewell where we picked up Fenway and Brady (coming in hot) for the 5:30 launch.  Returned to the scene of the crime for 3 more laps – pretty sure Turnpike was the only one to squeeze in a 4th lap (5th incl. Standard), but Tantrum and Fenway definitely get extra credit for circling back for the six… not sure how much they added.  But I'm sure they were glad to catch us at the bottom of the hill before running up that monster again.  Distance varied, literally don't think two men had the same mileage covered, but reports should vary from 4.5 to 5.6?  Plus Standard 2.6?


Great work today, always a pleasure and honor to work out with you fine gentlemen.  Today's group and every day, all the men of F3 have brought me a sense of motivation and comradery I have lacked for too many years.  I think back to where I was a year ago, barely able to do a 5K without a stop or two for walking… yet I just signed up for my second half marathon and can't wait for BRR next month.  What a difference a year makes!  And what will another year bring?  Who knows, but I'm looking forward to it – and that's mostly because of all of you.  The men of F3 are what separates a nice, healthy workout… and instead makes our time together a rock upon which to build towards better lives.  Thank you all, and see you in the gloom…