Monday Morning Moondance

8 men descended upon the Monster Mile with intentions to sharpen their minds and body in the not so Spring weather. 3 brave souls answered the call for the Standard Run. Allegedly there was some rucking happening off campus which we will discuss more later. 5:29 we were ready to roll but figured we would wait for Motorboat who’s alarm was functional this morning as he pulled up right at 5:30. Let’s roll:Mosey to side parking lot for Warmup: (All exercises done IC unless noted)SSH x20IST x10WM x10The Thang:SInce we were in the parking lot, we started with Merkin Suicides. Run to first line, 1 merkin, run back and then run to second line, 2 merkins and so on until you got to the 10th line.Mosey across the street to the school and stop at the side for some wall workBalls to the Wall and engage in Peter Parkers x 10Preachers Chair while doing Air lifts x10Balls to the Wall and engage into Pushups x10Mosey down the stairs to the moist soft field:10 8 count Body Builders OYOSquats x15Mosey back up stairs to picnic tables:Incline Merkins x10Dips x10Decline Merkins x10Dips x10Mosey across the street to rock pile:Curls x10Skull Crushers x10Mosey back to where we started and Repeato the whole lapMary:LBC x30Mason Twist x15The MOON-borne MindbenderRecover, RecoverMoleskin:-What a marvelous morning for a Moondance. As noted by most of the pax, when we were not looking down gasping, was a brilliant moon that got more and more amazing as it set during in the west during Mary. Witnessing such spectacles reminds me of how precious this life is and to remember to Thank GOD every day for granting it to me.-Apparently Chief was back to his old tricks during Suicides (doing Lines) as he was mumbling uncontrollably trying to figure out what he was doing and where he was while being ignored by the rest of the pax.-YHC put out a call in the PreBlast to engage in either a Run or Ruck standard. Chief, Honeymoon and Loveshack decided to run and discover that Crack was still at home during the 45 min pre normal workout time. After this weekends displays of behavior, we all wondered if he really travels on Monday’s and Tuesday’s or not?-A bigger issue is whether or not there was a sanctioned Standard Ruck or not? There was no mention of any planned ruck activities on any F3 approved social media outlets nor any concrete evidence (Pictures, poop stained gloves, sightings) that any said Ruck activities actually occurred. So keeping with proper protocol I can not report here and will not report that Manhands and Cupcake rucked “by themselves” off campus for what seemed to be a lifetime for Cupcake. A jaunt obviously inspired by our brothers Crack and Rent-A-Cop. (We are all waiting for the hottub, I mean Rucking pictures.)-Note that Butterstick was present today however not logged onto site yet so he does not get mentioned with the other Pax-Truly an honor and a privilege to lead this group. I will be out of town for the March Murph next week. Who will take the reigns?Aye