Monday Morning VQ at The Sword

It was a great experience leading my first Q. Thanks Caboose for giving me the opportunity, and thanks to all the PAX who showed up and worked hard this morning.

Additonal PAX not listed on the website: Phoenix.

FNG-2 is Lloyd (sorry, I couldn't make out your last name on the recording) whose F3 name is now La Cucaracha. This was his second post after making an appearance at The Foundry last week. Glad to see that you came back out.

So here is the summary of what went down:

Serpentine Mosey through the parking aisles to pull up bars. There were some Butt Kicks, High Knees, and Quadraphilia along the way. The PAX circled up for a quick disclaimer on the workout and we started with some warm up exercises.


  • SSH x 25 IC (I meant to stop at 20, but forgot to adjust the last cadence so pushed it to 25)
  • IST x 15 IC
  • CP x 15 IC
  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down

The Thang:

4 Corners OYO, starting with 10x Pull Ups before running to the 1st corner:

  • Mosey down parking aisle to first corner. 20x Merkins.
  • Mosey to next corner. 20x Merkins, add 20x Air Squats.
  • Mosey to third corner. 20x Merkins, 20x Air Squats, add 20x Little Baby Crunches.
  • Sprint to 4th corner. 20x Merkins, 20x Air Squats, 20x Little Baby Crunches, add 10x Carolina Dry Docks.

Repeato, but cut the amount of reps by 1/2

After completing the 4 Corners, everyone mosied to the wall for some People's Chair:

  • 10 second count down before starting to make sure everyone can find a comfy chair along the wall.
  • Hold for about a minute and continue holding while performing People's Air Presses x15 IC.
  • Recover from chair and transition to about 30 seconds of Balls to the Wall.

Mosey over to the rock pile, for some rock work:

  • Shoulder Press x10 IC
  • Curls x10 IC
  • Skull Crushers x10 IC
  • Squat with Rocks x10 OYO

Discard rock and perform 10x Burpees OYO.

Short Mosey around one parking aisle and circle up for some Mary.

Mary Go Round:

Each PAX called out an exercise and led roughly x10-15 IC until 6:15. I should have asked everyone to state their exerices during the COT because I can't remember two of them, but the ones I do remember are listed below:

  • WWII sit-ups
  • Pretzel Crunchs
  • Box Cutters
  • Low Dollies
  • Leg Lifts
  • Dead Cockroaches
  • Burpees
  • Ws
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • J-Los
  • ???
  • ???

Again thanks to everyone who showed up this morning and for giving me the opportunity to Q the workout.
