Monday Run Day?

FNG-1 is Export. FNG-2 is Spectrum. FNG-3 is newly named Fuji.  Welcome, Fuji. 

A Q was needed for today, so what better idea than to have a non-runner lead Monday Run Day?

I don’t like to Q it unless you can do it, but here is what transpired.  Great effort all around. Pleasure to lead.


The Thang—-

Warm up- SSH, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, Storm Troopers, Small arm circles front and rear.

Mosey to the track. 

Run a lap. At the halfway point and end of each lap:

-5 burpees first

-10 merkins second

-15 squats third

Rinse and repeat

Last two laps or so pain stations changed to:

-10 Lunges (one is one)

-10 merkins

-20 bench dips



10 Pretzel crunch R and L


We named Spectrum’s 2.0, Braden today.  Welcome Fuji.