Monday Sampler Pack

Event Date

Jul 08, 2019


SSH 20 IC, Cherry Pickers 15 IC


Sprint from launch point at entrance of clubhouse to 5 different stations in the clubhouse parking lots and perform called exercises. After each station, sprint back to launch point and perform same called exercise from last station before sprinting to next station. Pax did one set of below 5 exercises.

  • Station 1 – Jump Squats – 10 OYO
  • Station 2 – Clerkins (merkin w/clap on the up) – 10 OYO
  • Station 3 – Leg Lifts – 10 OYO
  • Station 4 – Burpees – 10 OYO
  • Station 5 – CDD's – 10 OYO

Backwards run up Mountain Cove Drive, 20 LBC's IC – Rinse and repeat

Repeat set of above 5 exercises

Roll to gazebo in boat launch parking lot (20 LBC's on way)

15 derkins, 15 dips, 16 step-ups, 20 LBC's – Rinse and repeat X2

Roll back to clubhouse parking lot

15 merkins IC

2.65 miles running total


  • Sticky morning out there today – Pax was soaked by the end of the workout
  • Q modified the original gameplan pretty quick to get some good variety baked into the workout
  • Pax pushed hard today – good work fellas
  • Double back from 2 weeks in Kenya for a mission trip – sounded like some really good work
  • Sounds like fun was had by all over the 4th holiday – maybe too much fun….talk of a couple of dry weeks necessary for recovery
  • Surf has ordered a massage machine from a shady outfit in China……look forward to hearing about whether this contraption works (if it gets delivered)
  • El Tigre and Surf both lit up the golf course this weekend – need to get the group together for a round soon
  • Keep 911 in your prayers as he is in the UK doing some good work
  • Keep Sarah Owings in your prayers (my co-worker) that is starting her battle with cancer
  • Great work today men. Really appreciate the opportunity to lead