Monday @ The Sword

Event Date

Jan 14, 2019

Chilly start to the week!

Warm Up

– Jump rope for 3 min (i forgot to start timer lol)

– 5 burpees


– CP

– Toy Solder

– Yogurt (yoga) like stuff



  • Balls to the wall x 1 min
  • Peoples Chair x 1 min
  • Repeat
  • Repeat again minus 15 sec

– Short sprint, 5 burpees

– Bear Crawl, 5 burpees, short sprint

– Quadraphilia the entire lane, 5 burpees

– Ladder

  • shoulder press x 1
  • hop on right leg to pull up bars, pull ups x 10
  • hop or left leg back
  • press x 2,  pull ups 9………

PAX pick

  • curls x 10
  • push block down, back (Thanks Qbert, I officially outlaw this at my Qs going forward LOL)
  • Not "paul" Bunyan – 5 burpees with a roll on the ground
  • Blank
  • Blank
  • Blank
  • dam if I can't remember, guys let me know which ones I am missing and I will fix

Jogged back, short mary

– dam I am blank on this too LOL, oops



– Qbert is annoying because he makes everything seem easy

– Bunyan likes Burpees, who knew

– Brown bag is young, but I think he can vote

– Sandbag & Sunshine – we don't cross paths much. It was great to workout with you. 

– Tuck, thanks for the invite!
