Mongolian Boat Races and Zeppelin Tribute

23 PAX (above plus Juicy (don't call me Fruit), Moonlight and 1 other) posted in spring like conditions this morning.  Curd and Devo posted late after swinging by an empty River Monster (#sloppyseconds), then proceeded to smoke most of us throughout the workout- clearly they had extra energy from skipping the windmill warmup exercises!

The Thang:

Warmup- Windmill, Lunges, Waving arms around, slow merkins

Alternating step ups, decline merkins, dips, box jumps.  This was kind of warmup, kind of workout, which dazed and confused (R Plant, Part I) the PAX.  Jog to Chambers.

Mongolian Boat Races, last seen at YHC's RESPECT Q in September.  3 teams of 7-8.  Winners get to do the same exercises as the losers.  Awesome! 

Race 1- within each team, one by one, each racer does 5 burpees while the remainders do side straddle hops.  Down the line where the anchor does 10 burpees, then the line order reverses course.  Conclusion: SSH are fun for 30 seconds but not for three minutes.

Race 2- repeato with planks and 10 merkins down the line (anchor 20).  Conclusion:  We need to come up with another word for merkins other than "merkins."  See also Jared Leto at the Oscars or just Google it.

Race 3- repeato with mason twist and 20 LBCs down the line (anchor 40).  Conclusion:  We were doing it wrong (#JackButlermethod).  Doing three minutes of mason twist is way worse than doing three minutes of SSH.  Duh…

Jog to track.

Modified Stairway to 7 (R. Plant, Part II)- 7 burpees, 1/2 stadium snake to middle, 7 burpees, remainder stadium snake to the end, 7 burpees.  This must have been really bad, as Ezekiel of all people equated this "hell to Dante's inferno."

Repeato back the other direction with 15 squats (resting portion of the program) at beginning, middle and end. 

Jog back to Green for Mary and COT.

Moleskin- great job today by everyone.  Hopefully LB will stay away from the track tomorrow but I think we all know better.  Hooker promised no stadiums at pain lab Wednesday!  Thanks for this group.