Total of 16 showed up for this beautiful morning’s fun. A couple of PAX don’t show up in the list (Squirrel and Pitstop) plus we named Pitstop’s 2.0…..Zebco … which got us to 16. I guess the word got out that Anvil was Q!!!!!!Warm-up – in cadence25 Side straddle hop (or strop)15 Tony Hawks10 Toy Soldiers 10 MerkinsMosey to the back for 3-5 dead hang pull ups and deep dips before grabbing 7 blocks and heading back to the front.The Monkey GauntletAll 16 run to the little baby hill, do 2 burpees and run back. Two PAX drop into the gauntlet which consists of 7 stations:- Anvil deadlifts ( choice of my 80 pound anvil or a block)- Skull crushers- Plank- Curls- Decline Merkins- Squat thrusters- Lizard stretchThe remaining 14 run to the little baby hill, do 2 burpees and run back, dropping into the first station and pushing the first two down the line. Repeat until all have gone completely through. When you come out the other side you start running the hill again so that at the end of the round all 16 are running up and doing their burpees and running g back together. For Round 2 you had a choice of Squat Thrusters or swing either the 8 or 15 pound sledge hammer. Everyone got a merciful break of only having to do 1 burpee at the too as well. Made all the difference.Spiritual ThoughtDavid Bednar gave a talk where he described a friend who convinced his wife he had to have a 4wd pickup. He took it out in the mountains to get firewood to show how iseful it was and immediately got stuck in the snow. He finally decided to get some wood and try to get out later, maybe someone would come by and pull him out. No one came but he filled his truck with wood and thought he would try again. The truck moved right out and he made it back to safety.The load gave him the necessary traction to progress. We often get focused on our trials as bad things and do not recognize the incredible growth we receive through them. God loves us and never does anything to hurt us. So, we must ask ourselves, “What am I being taught by this challenge? This is the way to use the load to get traction and become the men God would have us to be.See Matthew 11:28-30We had 10 in the water early for the swim and bike including Hefty and Mulligan. The water is perfect.Can someone be sure we get Squirrel, Zebco and Pit Stop in the list of PAX?Great job in the workout to everyone. Lots of sweat and encouragement. It is an honor to stand side by side with men of such character.