Monkey Gauntlet Revisited

Event Date

May 02, 2020


Revisited the “Gauntlet” format this Saturday as the doc told me I need to work on my quad strength since my knee replacement. That meant everyone got to suffer!Warm up with 20 SSh, 15 windmill, 10 Merkins, some CARS shoulder rotations, and a run through the woods.Back at AO there are 5 stations – banded tricep extensions, kettlebell deadlifts (with high pull if you wish, 62# kb), abmat situps, box jumps (or step ups) and banded twists.All 6 run the speed ladder and then head up LBH quadrafillia style for 2 burpees and a mosey back down. When the first person arrives they step into the Gauntlet and start doing tri extensions while everyone else loops -> thru speed ladder and back up hill. When the group returns the second person “pushes” the first guy down the Gauntlet a spot and the whole groups loops again. Eventually only 1 guy is going up and all 5 positions are filled. The last guy pushes the first out of the Gauntlet and he starts running the hill again. When he gets back he starts “pulling” guys out of the Gauntlet while they head back up the hill untill all PAX run one last loop together. Short break, then repeato! Two rounds is all we got and maybe all we could handle.Finish with a quick Sun Salutation yoga routine including a kneeling Crescent to catch the hip flexors.MoleskinSo great to have Cheetah back! We’re all glad your family is good and you can return to the fold.Never let Shirley lead a trail run!Lots of hair combing and short ticking when 4 females jogged by the group!RelfelctionMosiah 7:1919 Therefore, lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God, in that God who was the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and also, that God who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and caused that they should walk through the Red Sea on dry ground, and fed them with manna that they might not perish in the wilderness; and many more things did he do for them.In the Bible you regularly see the reference to God’s hand in bringing the Israelites across the Red Sea. It was such a monumental event and clearly showed God’s infinite power. It was close enough in the that it meant something to the people and could not be discounted. In our day we might consider God’s hand I The Revolutionary War and the formation of The United States of America. Or God’s hand in defeating Hitler and saving the world fro pure evil. Or the Civil Rights movement that established equality as the standard for all, regardless of race or gender. Think of the freedom that has come from these events and remember that God wants to bless us. Sometimes we are right there where He can pour out blessings and then we turn away. We have to do the hard things and keep going, trusting in God that the hard things will bring good. As F3 brethren you likely know all that, but we need to be actively teaching it and providing opportunity for others to learn it as well. We can do anything with God. Always a pleasure to be with you all. I love being a part of this group.Anvil