Monkey Humper Salute

14 men eagerly appeared in the gloom at one of the oldest AOs in the land (thankfully Burnsy didn't kill it! Dang it Burnsy!) with full hearts and clear eyes fully aware that it could get whacky!

mosey to COP using various dynamic exercises like karaoke, side skips, backwards Run and high knees to warm our ailing bodies 



wait. Here comes Blackbeard. Hurry up!  Wait watch out for that speeding truck, ok now hurry up!  Of course he comes late and request his favorite exercise: wacky jacks!

wacky jacks x 10

hand release merkins x 10

windmill x 10

squats x 10

toy soldiers x 10

Mosey to Jetton Knolls 

The Thang: The Beast (6 exercises, 6 Sets, 6 reps)

6 exercises: merkins, WWII sit-ups, sumo jump squats, flutter kicks, monkey humpers, 

Mosey to Rock pile

curls x 10

shoulder press x 10

SOTS press x 10

return pebbles

mosey to FreePass house 

Monkey Humper salute x 10

(balls to the Lexus by Burner and YHC)

mosey towards launch pad with stop to collect the 6  partner 1 take lap around cup-de-sac: partner 2 AMRAP merkins- flip flop repeato 

Partner 1 mosey to next street light then mountain climbers while waiting for partner 1

back to launch for MARY

merkin jacks x 5 (Thanks to YouTube once again for this plyometric move)

low peter parkers

low flutters


Saluting Moleskin:

-Tclaps Turnpike, Turncoat, and Burner for joining in on the 2 mile #Standard

– Great having FNG Lance Carlyle join us today, he will forever be known as Bangel

– Bangel learned quickly that a non-traveling rock isn't a pebble, Outlaw helped him understand!

– Jenny hypothesized that a move to SG = #fatguy.  I will not let him call you that Mooch and Jolly!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Outlaw!  Always awesome to lead the fine men of Isotope at one of the original AOs. Blessed to be a part of such a great region! #GiveItAway men