Monkey Humping Circle Twerk

I’ve been slacking on signing up to Q since WOTP. Seeing Titan rising in the ranks on Q-Stats, I decided I needed to get back on track and signed up for first thing Monday. Then I find out Hoodie has his #VQ on the same day. How do you compete with a workout being heavily promoted by Turnpike, Tagless and Auto? Simple — you offer something a virgin can’t: a #SlutQ workout.

But if you think this [S]weet [L]ittle [U]nforgettable [T]hing is easy, think again.


  • Mosey over to the school entrance
  • SSH x20 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers x15 IC


  • Mosey to bus entrance
  • Plank walk across cross walk with a groiner at each stripe
  • Mosey to round-about
  • Monkey Humping Circle Twerk
    • Pax line up side-by-side with backs to grass and grab ankles
    • 1st guy monkey (bear) crawls past others and gets in line at end
    • Each monkey gets one squat as he goes by
    • Keep the monkeys coming, all the way around circle
  • Mosey to Copperhead Hill
  • 10:1 Ladder with LBCs and Merkins
  • Mosey back to round about
  • Lunge walk half way around
  • Mosey back to cross walk
  • Fiddler crab walk (sideways) across walkway with glute bridge at each stripe
  • Mosey back to parking lot
  • Jane Fonda x20 IC each leg


  • Sure it may still be in the 80s during the day, but low 60s in the gloom is welcome!
  • At 0528 I thought the slut references in my PB may have scared the guys away as it was just Storm Chaser, Funky Town and YHC
  • Two for #TheStandard (although Ultraman and Toxic apparently each ran alone)
  • Toxic wore black and red in support of the State team who is undefeated and in the Top 25 #gopack
  • The circle twerk was one of those rare hits that may not get much air time due to its awesomeness
  • HeardAtF3: “Come on by so I can dot the i” #S2K
  • Sweet C says he tends not to sign up to Q unless someone personally asks. Now you know.
  • Amen threatened the pax during the twerk, but the shit didn’t hit the fan until we wrapped up the ladder

Always grateful that guys are willing to show up to a Blackbeard-led workout. Funky Town commented that he liked it when guys randomly signed up to Q on the calendar without his asking. Why not give another MQ “that lovin’ feeling” by signing up to Q today. That’s what a #SlutQ would do.