Monopoly Trivia Run at Titan

Event Date

Oct 17, 2016


FNG-1 = "Rovis" (sp?) not yet registered on the website.

YHC decided to mix it up today and pay tribute to one of my favorite board games:  Monopoly.  Wanted to test the PAX on their Monopoly knowledge and deliver a worthy beat-down in the process.  Here’s the story:

0525:  Question for the PAX.  If answered correctly, by roughly 0605, everyone would be spared a LOT of burpees.  The question:  On one’s first full turn in the game of Monopoly, what is the furthest square one can end on, assuming the rules of the game are followed? 

Example 1:  You roll “7”, land on “Chance”, and get the card which says “Advance to Go”, you will have made it to Square 40.  And your turn would be over. 

Example 2:  You roll 6×6, 6×6 again, then 6×5 on your third roll (recall if you roll “doubles”, you get to roll again, up to 3 total rolls, but if you roll 3 doubles in a row you must go to “Jail”), you will have made it to Square 35.  And your turn would be over.

Hint:  You can make it MUCH FURTHER than either of those examples, given the rules of the game and various cards which send you to other squares.  The PAX were allowed to discuss until 0605, at which point a final answer would be required.

Note:  Jaws is clever, and started discussing receiving the Community Chest "Advance to Go" card multiple times.  Well played.  So, an assumption was given:  Once a Community Chest or Chance card is selected, it is moved to the bottom of that pile.

0530:  Quick disclaimer.


  • 1/2 mile run to the parking lot by the pool house, including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC

The Monopoly Trivia Thing:

Next question for the PAX:  How many houses are available in Monopoly?

PAX answers incorrectly:  Mericans, LBCs, and Jump Squats OYO x the correct answer.

PAX answers correctly:  Mericans, LBCs, and Jump Squats OYO x half the correct answer.   

Correct Answer is 32, which the PAX got correct!  So we did:

  • Mericans x 8 IC
  • LBCs x 8 IC
  • Jump Squats x 16 OYO

Note:  This was supposed to be an easy question.  Tantrum expressed concern about that.

Running, to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill".  Another question for the PAX:  How many hotels are available in Monopoly?

PAX answers incorrectly:  Burpees, LBCs, and Jump Squats OYO x the correct answer.

PAX answers correctly:  Burpees, LBCs, and Jump Squats OYO x half the correct answer.               

Correct Answer is 12.  And…while 12 was one of the guesses, the PAX settled on 16 as their final answer.  Oh dear:

  • Burpees x 12
  • LBCs x 12 OYO
  • Jump Squats x 12 OYO

Running up Mortimer Hill, backwards.  Another question for the PAX:  There is a Chance Card which says “Go Back X Spaces”?  What is X?

PAX answers incorrectly:  We run backwards for a long time.

PAX answers correctly:  We immediately turn around and run forward.

Correct Answer is 3.  And…Tantrum knew this one easily.  PAX were spared running all the way up Mortimer Hill backwards, we simply ran forward.

After running another ~half mile, another question for the PAX:  How much does it cost to purchase Board Walk?

Correct answer is $400 which the PAX knew.  We did:

  • Hand Release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Low Flutter x 10 IC
  • Had to evacuate because Tantrum enjoyed too much hummus yesterday.

Running, back to the pool house.  Question for the PAX:  How much is the rent on New York Avenue?

Answer given by the PAX:  $18?  Maybe also $16…

Correct answer:  $16

Incorrect answer according to the dumb-a## Q:  $20.  Whoops!  Wasn't 100% sure, and the repititions weren't that difficult anyway:

  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Pullups x 10 OYO
  • Jump Squats x 15 OYO

Run back to start-ex.  Final answer needed on the original question:  On one’s first full turn in the game of Monopoly, what is the furthest square one can end on, assuming the rules of the game are followed? 

PAX Answer:  85, as follows:

  • Roll doubles twice in such as way as to get to the Chance Square on square #22.  Get "Advance to Go" card.  Then roll a 7 and get the Chance Card "Advance to Reading Railroad".  Fantastic work!  That is really impressive thinking there, and the answer I figured they would get to…
  • …unfortunately, one can get EVEN further.  Consider:
  • Roll 1×1, land on "Community Chest".  Get card that says "Advance to Go".  You are on Square 40, and get to roll again.
  • Roll 6×6.  You are on Square 52, and get to roll again.
  • Roll 4×6 or 6×4 (because 5×5 puts you in Jail for 3 consecutive doubles rolls)
  • Get the Chance card that says "Advance to St. Charles Place".  You get to pass go a second time, and end the turn on Square 91.

Penalty for incorrect answer:  30 Burpees


  • 1 min plank, including Right arm up, Left Arm up.  HOLD for:
  • JLOs x 15 IC
  • Low flutters x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  Total distance was ~2.68 miles.


  1. We missed 66 somehow because we were so eager to start running.  Had we warmed up on the AO itself we would have seen him.  Presumably 66 did some running but hopefully less Burpees.
  2. Strong work from Rovis (Hospital Name: Ty) and Memo.  Hope to see you guys at Titan more often.
  3. Fast running today from Dirt and Jaws.  Jaws has agreed to Q at Titan on Halloween, and it promises to be very scary.
  4. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  FYI Tantrum is looking for someone to Q next week on Oct 24th.  Please step up, or it may just be another thinly disguised excuse to do a bunch of Burpees.

Have a great week, Turnpike.