Monster Mile’s Ladder to Help Cupcake Summit That Wall!

Since Cupcake so eloquently outlined how King Leonidas built a wall, with his 300 men, YHC felt compelled to provide a Monday morning ladder upon which to mount said wall.  Henceforth and hereto, 12 men gathered at the Monster Mile to pay hommage to King Leonidas and his ilk (the Spartans, Xerxes, etc).  Two, came, ran, and went–Loveshack and Nymph.  The other nine gathered for the COP, only to be graced by London Whale, who showed a minute or two late-was welcomed-and jumped right in!

COP (IC): SSH 20, IST 15, WM 10, CP'S 10.

Mozy to Mt. Mourne parking lot, run a 73 and 2/3's foot span of high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, and kick steppers, head over to picnic tables, 2 sets of 10 dips IC, 2 sets of 10 inclines IC, 1 set of R/L single leq squats IC.  Mozy to back of school for ladder.

Ladder: 10 burpees at top, 10 jump squats at middle (down and up), 2 CDD's at bottom.  Minus(-) 2 burpees from the top each time, and add (+) 2 CDD's to the bottom each time.  Plank in the middle upon completion to coalesce the crowd.  Mozy up to wall for Preacher's chair, 10 heel touches IC, flip upside down to Peter Parkers 20 IC, 10 count to relax, over to benches 3 sets of 10 dips IC, after each set-do 10, 15, 20 single count inclines from said benches. Cross the street, 20 calf raises on curb, gather in Portico for ….

Mary (IC): Mason Twist 15, LBC's 20, Low Flutters 25, Freddie Merc's 10, JLo's 15, Parker Peters 15 (graciously counted by Chief). 

Recover, recover


-Leaky Deacon announced there will be a Habit for Humanity project going on this Sat. at the same location as last time.  Deets will be provided via The Twitter and Slack.  Framing will be the task of the day, ostensibly. 

-WD was Lear, WB was Frosty.

-Frosty mentioned his penchant for ladders….feels they are a good part of any workout.  Amen.

-There was some issue with the amount of leg exercises, due to Cupcake's beatdown this past Sat during King Leonidas' 'wall build'.  Tough kanubbees, that's what the Q thinks of that!

-The 'moisture' of the 'bottom' of the ladder was an audibled into CDD from an ab exercise.  You're welcome PAX!

-Couples in distress close to and not so close to our PAX were mentioned in the COT.  

-Coffeeteria was held at Starbucks, and many industry leading topics were discussed, including the medal count of the Olympics.  

-Shambala, thanks for the keys!  You've got yourself a fine Monday following going there.  Kudos to you!