Monthly Monday Mustang Murph Muster

Event Date

Mar 26, 2018

11 Posted for the Monthly Monday Mustang Murph Muster. Some set out early with Rucks On. Others joined moments later (0530). I believe we had 5 with rucks and 1 with a weight vest. Holeshot wins the award for most inappropriate comment for the day #Show2Know.

At least 2 completed the Murph with a full 30 lb plus 5 lbs of chicken minis in the sack. Made YHCs 20lb weight vest look small.

Fun was had by all. Each got stronger. And if we can couple the fire behind some of these men along with the April Fuel Challenge (See pre-blasts) then we will aim to destroy the Memorial Day Murph 2 months from now.

Matthew 20:28

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many