Mooch sighting at Night Ranger!

Silver Bullet gave me the reins for Night Ranger despite me not having posted more than about thrice this month and not having q'd in a long time.  Much needed kick in the pants.  I wanted to try and get something in for all ye BRR'ers so here's what went down:

Short mosey to field for Warm Up:

SSH x 10ic

Cotton Pickers x 10ic

Windmill x 10ic

Mosey to Mt. Blackstone for a Jacob's Ladder (5 plank jacks at top, 50 mountain climbers at bottom [audibled to 25], up and down by 5 each time)

Cut that a bit short to get back to launch for some partner work

Each partner runs about 20 yards away from each other then back.  Partner-based exercise when you meet your partner

Rd 1 –> Partner leg/shoulder press (x10 then run again and flap jack)

Rd 2 –> Partner get ups (x5 each hand then run again and flap jack)

Rd 3 –> Partner leg throwdowns (x3 straight, x3 to each side then run again and flap jack)


Ring of fire with holding homer and each pax gives 3 count around the circle

Ring of fire with various plank positions while each pax gives a 10 count


Field Notes:

Lots of chippendale action from the jump, not even bothering to get the shirt sweaty before taking it off. 

Having never run a Mt. Blackstone workout before, that hill is farther from the launch than anticipated, longer than anticipated, and steeper than anticipated.  Duly noted.

Original plan was to do some partner torso flips that would have basically involved hugging a partners stomach but once I saw how nasty the hill got us, that was quickly voted down internally.

Some civil unrest when Mr. Burns and Jenny started walking toward the cars with about 8 minutes to go.  Turns out Burnsy was being a good 1st F Q and making sure other pax were ok after feeling a bit dizzy.  Tclaps and cobains for giving you a hard time.

FNG 1 is Kubota from MECA.  Strong work.  Welcome back anytime.

Ut In Omnibus Glorificateur Deus