More Cyclists than Runners @ OTB

Also with us: Frodo, Pee Wee & Cock Pit. 

16 Riders went out for 24-40 miles on the Das Booty Loop. 

Aside from a few mechanical issues, this may have been one of the most enjoyable rides of the year. Perfect weather and mumblechatter. There were many highlights, but I'll keep this skinny. 

TClaps to Das Boot and the crew who waited for Grouch & Zamboni during the chain overhaul on Johnson Dairy. You guys waited at least 30 minutes if not more. And Calypso should be renamed "Bike Shop". Thanks for helping the guys get back on the road. 

More importantly, I can sense a tide turning in the LKN/OTB world. Does OTB now stand for "On the bike"?

There were 16 Cyclists and 15 Runners. 

Runners, sorry that we could not join you at Summit but we will hurry back next time. 


S. Thing