More for Core

More for Core.  14 Men posted to enjoy a Q who was making it up as he went.  Read this week that planking burns belly fat.  OK, so let’s work on that.  This is what ensued………

Warm up:

25 (IC) SSH  – Q states that all the SSH we’ll do today, but turns out he was wrong.

15 (IC) Mountain Climbers

14 (IC) Squats

10 (IC) Ralph Macchio Merkins – that’s right; Wax-on, Wax-off

Wagon Wheel – with Baby Bunny Hops  x3

Mossey to top of little hill

Partner-up.  Despite Q’s warning of “size matters”, based on choices made, not sure everyone was listening.

Back-to-back partner push……….. Repeat-o

Back-to-back partner carry……….. Repeat-o (partner being carried has to keep knees tucked up high – #Harderthanitlooks ………… Repeat-o

Partner resistance push………..  Repeat-o

Mossey back to playground – count off by 2’s

1’s:  Pull-up / Toe-touch combo.  Get 25 if you can??

2’s: Plank line.  Each PAX bunny hops the line 3 times before returning to the line.


    30 (IC) LBC / Freddy Mercury / LCB

    10 Slow Two-Count Scissors

    10 Slow Two-Count Scissors (repeat-o due to popularity)

    10 (IC) WWI sit-ups

    Approx. 10-ish (IC) Patty Cake WWII sit-ups

    10 (IC) Fire Hydrant things???

Crazy New Idea:

10 (IC) Burpee / Merkin / Plank-jack / Jane Fonda / Peter Parker combo

Last minute Adventure Race Prep to round out 45 mins of fun.


Reflection: Work

    From Ecclesiastes 9:10 “Whatever the activity in which you engage, do it with all your ability, because there is no work, no planning, no learning, and no wisdom in the next world.  So many times we complain about work, or getting up early to post.  But the reality is that we are all blessed with the abilities we have, and the opportunities to use it.  We may not always think we have what we need, or see opportunities in front of us, but they are there.  Don’t focus on what outcome you think you are supposed to get. Instead, focus on the now.  What you are doing right now.  Do it with all your ability.  It is not how many Merkins you can do or how fast you can run.  Just do one Merkin at a time with the best form you can possibly do (then do the next, and the next, and……), be proud of the accomplishment.


Mole Skin:

  • 14 regulars – great turn out guys

  • Clark demonstrates planking on his nipples – not recommended  

  • When Q says “Partner up, size matters”; pay attention!!

  • Not sure what happened on Pull-up/toe touch combos, but arms revolted

  • Thank you Cheetah for counting the Burpee/Merkin/Plank-jack/Jane-Fonda/Peter-Parker combo.

  • Obstacle course was all fun up to the nut busting ladder at the end.  FYI, in the words of Motley Crue; it’s Slippery when Wet.

  • Lot’s of good mumble chatter this morning.  Couldn’t catch it all.  Sound off below with what you remember.  

  • Really a fun time leading this craziness.  Thank you for the opportunity

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb