More Gaga than FKT

FNG-1 = Officer Kimble

16 brave pax showed up not knowing what to expect from a Shrooms VQ. While it may not have gone exactly as planned, here is what happened…




A few early risers showed up for the ~2 mile standard. I didn’t make it as I was wasting my morning putting cones out at the Robbins Park field. More on that later.




Run hard to Robbins Park, taking your preferred route (~1.3 miles)


Gaga loop suicides:

 – burpees x 2, run to first intersection, mericans x 2, run back

 – burpees x 2, run to second intersection, mericans x 4, run back

 – burpees x 2, run to roundabout, mericans x 6, run back

 – burpees x 2, run to stop sign, mericans x 8, run back

 – burpees x 2, full lap around the loop, burpees x 2


Partner up and knock out 50 burpees and 50 WW2s, trading off with one partner at a time running down to the speed limit sign and back


Run back to AO, again taking your preferred route


Recover recover




Speed for Need is back, July 4th(


F3 Lake Norman 10-year anniversary coming in August.


VQ Moleskin


I definitely learned a few things, with this being my VQ, most importantly:


  • It’s always good to have a backup plan, especially when the original plan was to do Gaga suicides on the Robbins Park field. Unfortunately the town of Cornelius had other plans, and the field was closed for repair. I think everyone was much happier getting more miles in on the Gaga loop.
  • It’s also very important to make sure there is a sidewalk when you lead the group onto a busy road. Everyone was wide awake once we all made it across hwy 73 safely.
  • No matter what DonHo tries to tell you, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. His “shorter way” to Robbins Park  came in almost exactly the same distance as what I had measured the original route.


It was great to be back in Robbins Park on a Tuesday, almost a year to the day that the Beckett crew dragging me out there for the first time. I am grateful for the opportunity to go fast (and also build some upper body strength) with all of these men each week and appreciate the chance to lead for the first time.



