More Miles…Less Sugar

Event Date

Nov 01, 2016


5 good PAX shook off their post-Halloween sugar withdrawal and came to North Meck Park for a little stroll.   They came…they saw…they conquered. Here is their story:



  • Run in front of the church to the main entrance of NMP; mixing in high knees and butt kickers
    • SSH x 20 (IC)
    • IST x 15 (IC)
    • CP x 15 (IC)
    • MC x 15 (IC)


The Thang:

  • Run to the baseball pavilion and find a partner (kind of)
    •  P1: people’s chair
    • P2: bear crawl down the hill, 3 burpees, quadraphelia back up
    • Flip Flop
    • Repeato x 2 (2 burpees / 1 burpee at the bottom of the hill)
    • Repeato, again…this time P1 does balls to the wall
  • Mosey to the rock pile and grab a medium-sized traveler
  • Zamperini walk to the bottom of the hill (toward the soccer fields)
    • Drop the rocks and run half the parking lot loop
      • Incline merkins x 10 (IC); run back to the rocks
      • Curls x 10 (IC); run half the parking lot loop
      • Right arm on the curb merkins x 10 (IC); run back to the rocks
      • Shoulder press x 10 (IC); run half the parking lot loop
      • Decline merkins x 10 (IC); run back to the rocks
      • Chest press x 10 (IC); run half the parking lot loop
      • Left arm on the curb merkins x 10 (IC); run back to the rocks
      • Skull crushers x 10 (IC)
  • Mosey to the soccer field shelter
    • Dips x 10 (IC)
    • Elbow plank jacks x 10 (IC)
    • Dips x 10 (IC)
    • Mactar Jai x 10 (IC)
  • Mosey back to the rocks, Zaperini back up the hill and return the rocks
  • Mosey to the tennis courts
    • Stop at each end line (x3):
      • Jump squats x 6; plank
      • Monkey humpers x 6; plank
      • Glute bridge x 6; plank (with an extra one in honor of Shoe)



  • We ran back to the lot and did our Mary along the way:
    • LBC x 20 (IC)
    • Crunchy Frog x 20 (IC)
    • The W x 20 (IC)
    • Plank x 30 seconds



  • It was nice to see Turnpike out at the Viking – he’s trying new AOs…I hope he’s found a winner at the Viking; NMP is a great AO.
  • Shaken, KingFish, and Smores were really quiet today…not a peep out of them
    • Oh wait…yesterday was Halloween not April Fools – love the noise; it was fun!
  • KingFish must be a surveyor…he found the straightest lines between two points and ran along them…despite the relative location of the PAX. Some call it cutting corners…well all of us do…Kingfish made up something to make it sound like he wasn’t cheating!
  • I think the boys recorded 1.8 miles this morning. Not bad for a bootcamp.
  • Kingfish, thanks for taking us out today…much appreciated
  • As always, thanks to Stromboli for the opportunity to lead these guys today. I thoroughly enjoyed it.