Five men got out of there fart sack to come and get stronger. 55 side straddle hops20 cotton Pickers20 merkins20 Front Swings with bellz20 alternating lunges with bellzOne minute running in place soccer kicks with bellz20 goblet squats with bellz20 High Plank Row with bellzGoblet squat and Lion King to Sally400m Indian Run20 merkins each hand one on kettlebellz total of 4020 incline merkins feet on kettlebellzRepeat twiceMary:10 LBC10 elbow to knee crunch both legs10 low flutters10 World War II with kettlebellReflection:When two brothers are busy fighting, an evil man can easily attack and rob their poor mother. Mankind should always stay united, standing shoulder to shoulder so evil can never cheat and divide them.