More Talking = More Running

21 pax, but not Gepetto or Chicken Little, arose from the fartsack to F themselves at the finest Saturday AO in all of Race City.   

FNG 1- M&M, FNG 2- MC not on here or I'm tech challenged and couldn't find them.

FNG 3- TickTock 2.0, Dylan. long time listener, first time caller

FNG 4- John Miller, first post, Eh'd by DeepEnd

FNG 5- Jeff Epstein, now immortalized as Junk Bag, thanks to Cupcake

Circle up for the Pledge of Allegience led by Lear who has emerged from his summer slumber.

Mozy down the hill for warmup- SSH, IST, Windmill, Veg Grabber 

Mozy to the far field, grab a friendly rock.  10 curls, run across field for 1 merkin, run back.  10 curls, run up hill to track for 1 squat.  Repeato increasing merkin and squat.  Repeato again.

Complaints about the "pattern" emerging so we replaced our rocks and mozied to a different rock pile with a different field and a different hill.  Totally new and exciting!  We even found Chief along the way.  

10 shoulder press, run to first soccer goal for 5 merkins, run back.  10 bent rows, run up the hill, 1 burpee.  Burpees were added as an Omaha due to a request from Santiago.  Repeato increasing run distance and reps.  Repeato again.

Still too much talking so mozy to the bottom baseball field.

Stairway to 11 with squats at the bottom and CDD at the top.  Much less mumblechatter due to much less oxygen.  We did have a few pax that "forgot" to run up the hill towards the end.

Brushless made a request for Mary so we mozied back to the last hill of the day.  A very special Mary with 10 LBC at the bottom, run up the hill, 10 LBC at the top, run back down.  Repeato x20, repeato x30.

3 more rounds of 30x mountain climber at the top and bottom with runs in between.  Repeato x20, repeato x10.

Savoring every minute of my Q and earning the free t-shirt from Usain, we circled up for low flutter, low dolly, mason twist, freddy merc, box cutter.

Prayers for Hummer, his father, and his family.