Mortimer Hill – It Could be Worse Part 2

Event Date

Oct 23, 2017


Despite having a week to prepare a new workout, YHC simply recycled an old one, sort of.  See:

Today we did something similar-ish:

0500:  2+ mile run standard with Tantrum and Frogger

0530:  Joined by Jaws, we did:


  • Mosey to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill" (little less than a mile), including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Karaoke L/R.
  • We didn't run up the hill.  That would have been cruel given Tantrum and Frogger completed very speedy Half Marathons on Saturday.  Instead we ascended the hill via:
  • Bear Crawl a bunch (Jaws at this point asked if we would get a warm up that wasn't a "dynamic one"?  Well…uh…do side straddle hops make bear crawls up a hill easier?  : )    )
  • Crab walk a bunch
  • Quadraphilia a ways
  • Broad Jumps
  • Slow and deep lunge walks
  • Repeato all 1 more time and boom!, we were at the top
  • Mosey to the clubhouse (~1/2 mile) for:
  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Plank x 1 minute
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x 10 IC

Mosey back to the AO.  Tantrum assumed we were going around the school and chilled for a bit.  We didn't, we stopped at the rock pile for a quick set of:

  • Shoulder presses x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC

Run back to the main parking lot for some calf stretches.  We covered 5.6 miles during the Standard + Main event according to my Strava.

Wet Moleskin:

  1. Had Preblast "Likes" from Lawn Dart and Dirt.  I'm sure they weren't scared by the rain or anything, they likely went to another bootcamp.  If you read this guys, sound off below and let us know where you worked out today.  : )
  2. Frogger and Tantrum CRUSHED their Half Marathon Race this past weekend.  Was great hearing the stories.  At one point late in the race, Frogger said he was struggling a bit.  Lo and behold, Tantrum came up and inspired him to gut it out.  They both hustled to the finish together from that point.  #Teamwork #Awesome!
  3. Jaws wasn't scared of the rain, nor was he scared to grab a giant rock today.  Well done!  YHC was thinking about another set and rotating rocks but we, uh, ran out of time.  Sure, that's my story.
  4. In COT we were thankful for such a great racing weekend for so many across Lake Norman.  Truly inspiring.  Thank you Lord for the strength to do that.
  5. Thanks Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  One of these days I will think of a new and different workout.  Oh, and you owe us a set of rock exercises described above. 

Have a great day gents!