Mosey around the building with curls and pain stations

Warm up:

SSH 20x, IST 15x, TS 15X, Burpees 5

The Thang:

KB squat 20x, KB curl 20x on one leg (switch at 10), KB one arm shoulder press 10x each arm, KB skull crusher 20x, 8 count body builders 10

Mosey with KB curls to benches

dips 20, KB skull crushers 20, decline merkins 15, diamond merkins on KB 15

Mosey with KB curls to pull up bars

10 KB curls, 1 arm side plank with KB pulls 10 each arm, 10 pull ups, KB lawnmower 10 each arm

Mosey around to back of building with KB curls

pull thrus with merkins 20, staggered merkins on KB 10 each side, merkins 10x

Mosey to the other side of the building

KB shoulder press 20x, scorpion dry dock 20x

run to end of parking lot and back

Mosey to the front of building with KB curls

poeples chair while partner runs the circle, step ups while partner runs the circle

Mosey with KB curls back to the start


KB stack the shelf 10 each side, KB side bends 10 each side, a couple other mary exercises that I cannot remember


Sorry for the late backblast, it  took me so long I think I may have missed a couple exercises in the backblast.

Stapler thank you for allowing me to Q and thank you to all of the PAX that attended.