23 Pax convened at The Sword this morning. Ticker (RESPECT) was present too, but is not on the website yet, so I'm mentioning him "out the gate" as being present for one of @f3lkn ‘s finest gloom gatherings.

Upon arrival of the VQ, #Toby and his Weinke, he realized  a Brody was needed, as there were more PAX than blocks. As he had learned from watching legandary Q's…when…in…doubt…Mosey…

Long lap back to rocks (in lieu of blocks). Each PAX tried to find the rock that spoke to him (some spoke louder than others). The VQ tried to play music via bluetooth to motivate the PAX, but his Deinke wouldn’t work, and now the he had already Iceberged twice and had to call audibles as a result.

Side Straddle Hop x25; Slow Wind Mill x10 (VQ struggled here and Toxic provided assistance); Imperial Storm Trooper x20; Toy soldier x20

Took our rocks and owned them:

Colt 45 Curls-15x15x15; Skull crusher x15; Overhead press x 15

The Pax then circled up and played a friendly game of Squat Potato with our favorite rocks (yes, we figured it out…eventually…)

On your 6

3-2-1 Merkinators OYO: Diamond Merkins x5, Regular Merkins x7, Wide-Arm Merkins x10; Chest press rock with glute bridge x15 ; V Crunch x15

Mobility moment-Crocs called the Pigeon


We then said goodbye to our little friends and took them back to their home.


On your 6

3-2-1 Merkinators OYO: Diamond Merkins x5, Regular Merkins x7, Wide-Arm Merkins x10; Heels to Heaven crunch x15; Freddy Mercury/Bicycle crunch x15; Little mermaid side crunch x10 each side; Snow angel x15

At this point some PAX were dealing with TBQ, so the kind VQ called a Recover Mosey to the field day startup. PAX counted off in 1’s and 2’s to split group in half. This process went much better in the VQ's head, but then again, it was his VQ…

3-2-1-partner up with another pax: 200 squats while partner runs; 100 LBC’s while partner runs; 100 Calf Raises while partner runs.

Those who finished first were able to enter into the grandest of games known as THE WHEELBARROW RACE. Their effort created Goading among the PAX, leading to immediate MH’s while the medalists remained in the circle of trust. And that’s true love gentlemen.

Soprano and Tugs were awarded gold medals and  grand prizes forthcoming (suspense). 

Recover, Recover

Circle of Trust/Name-O-Rama/Prayer

Much appreciation for taking it easy on your VQ. A lot was learned about time management, but even more was learned about brotherhood. Thanks for all of the encouragement before, during, after my VQ!  Thanks for the opportunity @f3enron