Most ran, some stretched, one horseshoed

A sizable crowd showed up at Sudz’s place, making Lake Norman’s premier auto spa look like a used car lot. Most ran the greenway route. YHC and a few others ran the flat and easy route. Distances ranged from 3-5 miles. Others stretched and Gnarly Goat completed a solo Make-up Horseshoe. Everyone enjoyed Sudz’s hospitality, especially the free coffee, as we discussed all the important things that men consider in the wee hours before it’s time to get on with our day.

Chub Club held it’s second to last Wednesday Weigh-In for Round III. Cousin Eddie lost 2 lbs to take the lead over Osh Kosh. Cousin Eddie has lost an impressive 5.98% of his total body weight this round. And even more impressively has lost 29.6 lbs since our first Chub Club weigh-in back in April! YHC, Tiny Tim and Callahan trail behind Cousin Eddie and Osh Kosh in the battle for MacBeth’s bourbon. Can Cousin Eddie hold on to the lead to earn his second bottle? Stay tuned…