Most Respectable Workout in LKN

It was an honor to Q at PAINinsula this morning. Outlaw often says this is the best AO in Cornelius. While that may be arguable (despite the proximity to coffee and bacon), it would certainly seem to be the most respectable. We had 15 men post this morning with an average age of 51. The war baby was 43 (next youngest was 47) while the war daddy was 58 (with 3 others right on his heels)!

YHC had signed up to Q before learning of #OGWeek. Despite being in this cult for almost 6 years, I don’t qualify as an original member, but I thought I could still honor the theme by opting to complete a workout coined by the MQ himself. So despite my disdain for all things Ohio, we took on the latest installment of #TheBuckeye


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Cotton Picker x15 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC


YHC had set out 10 cones approximately 10 yards apart from each other. The pax would run to the first cone, complete the exercise and return to the starting point where they would complete The Burpee and then plank until the six arrived. Next the pax return to the first station, complete the exercise, continue to the 2nd station for a new exercise and then return to the start. Rinse and repeat, adding an additional station each cycle before returning to the start. On the final circuit, pax completed all 10 stations and ran 100 yards back to the start for their final burpee of the morning. 

The stations built up as follows:

  1. 5 Diamond Merkins
  2. 10 Bonnie Blairs
  3. 15 Merkins
  4. 20 Dying Cockroach
  5. 25 Carolina Dry Docks
  6. 30 Squats
  7. 35 Mountain Climbers
  8. 40 SSH
  9. 45 Low Flutter
  10. 50 LBC


Since the pax failed to plank for the six, they were subjected to a penalty. We moved over to the cold, wet grass for Tunnel of Love (a perfectly valid OG exercises I might add). Goat was my first follower. Everyone else stood on the sidewalk and refused to participate. I kindly asked the men to leave their vaginas at the curb and get in the grass. A few men begrudgingly sauntered over. Goat threw out a #DBAP and finally the refuseniks accepted their fate. Most made it through the tunnel and were stronger for it.


We returned to the starting point with a few minutes to spare when YHC realized we had forgotten to let the cheerleaders perform at halftime. So we welcomed Suzanne Somers x20 IC on each side. Titan called for a recovery and being the compassionate Q that I am, I obliged.


  • Gnarly Goat went on record with his claim that the Dry Docks is the most difficult station
  • Several men congratulated Duvall for running on a 4-man team for The Tuna…
  • Titan congratulated Duvall during Suzanne Somers in his own way #NSFW
  • Outlaw brings the Millenium to Hollywood tomorrow. Finishers get frozen venison
  • Prayers up for 9-Lives who is stressed about being the fittest man in the fire department
  • Bagboy left #coffeeteria without Special Sauce (something about warming up the sheets)
  • It took more effort that it should have, but Stromboli and Sudz finally calculated 1,110 reps this morning (not including CoP) at #coffeeteria
  • The 12 Q Challenge was accepted and completed!