Mostly Happy at Gaga

Event Date

Mar 09, 2021


After a lot of criticism from the Beckett contigent during my last Q at Gaga, YHC rolled up a little fearful of a mutiny or possibly more public shaming. Offically at 5:14am the complaining started and we were off.

2 miles of 3rd F friendly pace

Pause for 30 Merkins, 25 LBCs, 5 Burpees

3 miles of 7:30 advertised running

Pause for 30 Merkins, 25 LBCs, 5 Burpees

1 mile of 3rd F friendly pace

Pause for 30 Merkins 25 LBCs, 5 Burpees

COT and depart


  • Appreciate spending my last post of 41 at Gaga and leading such fine men on a stroll around Birkdale
  • Frodo is clever he figured out how to avoid the pain stations like a pro
  • The Beckett contigent was softer on the Q today, maybe it was the upcoming birthday or maybe they are getting used to the pain and maybe even like it.
  • Typical Hoodie – "hey guys whats the plan" 7:30 pace, "got it". Then hold my beer 7:13, 7:13, 6:58, at one point DonHo and YHC lost sight of him which is bad considering he had a light on his head. We were forced to chase him for safety purposes resulting in slight faster then planned pace.
  • As DH and Hoodie are uniquly qualified as beatdown guys & runners the 450 squats on Monday didn't phase them at all in fact might have made Hoodie go faster while YHC was complaining during my own workout. 
  • As this is my last Q at Gaga, I am greatful to the men of F3 who keep pushing me and thanks to Hoodie for the opportunity to lead. Till the next time at another AO.