Motorboat Boats into The Intimidator™ as Warm-Ups have Ceased, and Kettle Bell Merkins Have Begun

What with this here Q being YHC's first crack at The Intimidator AO, there were some nerves, some excitement, some tension, and some wide-eyed folks as w'all were gathering FIFTEEN (15) minutes earlier than 'normal' F3RCUSA weekday start times, as has been approved by the iron fisted governance of the First F Q, one Rental R. aCop, earlier in the 2018th year of our Lord………..but we digress.

Warm Ups began immediatedly, IC, with SSH 20, Strutters 10, MC's 15, SDS 15, CDD's 15 (5 normal, 5 each of R/L Scorpion), CP's 10, Finish with a warm-up lap around the fountain, for good measure, and b/c the Pax somehow needed to 'add in' a late arriving Motorboat, who seemingly snoozed his alarm or simply misunderstood the clearly 'publishized' (by Slack AND THE TWITTTER, I remind you!) 5:15 start time of Frosty and Rental R. aCop's treasured Friday morning gathering……The Intimidator.  

The Thang:  SUCH a simple compilation of exercises, even an orthodontist could run this….but he still effed it up in the penultimate sextant.  Fifteen each of R/L wall assisted bent over rows, Step Presses, Pull overs, Skull Crushers, Outhouse curls, all IC, except, thankfully, for the Step presses, which were OYO single count, capiche?  Now, THESE set of exercises were on the tail end of a mini-Zamperinis, which went from the canope to the maze, back to the canope (for 'cough' rain avoidance purposes), then onto subsequent sets of walls heading East (think Cheezwiz's joint).  These three 'sets' of 15, 10, and 5 were interrupted by three sets of KB swings, Ribbons (each single counts of 20, 18, 16), and Kettlebell Merkin Drags (which were truly………..a drag) IC counts of 10, 8, 6 (which seemed double that number, easily, or maybe the Q doesn't really know how to 'cadence' the drag along with the Merkin…'s harder than it looks ya know!). FTR, Chicken Little began his Christmas vacation JUST after the first sextant of exercises…..either that or he decided this Intimidator was too intimidating (or not intimidating enough) to hang around for more.  SO, it was six sets, numbering down, vollying back and forth b/t the 'Row Set' and the 'KB Swing Set'.  The only Omaha was the 'last set' of the Row exercises had a few more reps thrown in there, for good measure, and simply because stopping the reps at five (5) IC seemed to be…..well…….unIntimidating! Here also, in this very same set, was added 10 'bell assisted' Mason Twists, IC, as an appetizer to Mary, which would obviously follow our capstone set of the KB/Ribbon/Merkin drags.  

Mary(IC): Crack's Box Cutters- 10 each way, Motorboats's Bell BC's 30, and ONE other set of abs…….which, for the life of the YHC, he can't remember, but added this in here to SEE if anyone was still reading this clear and obvious metaphysical near-pointless verbal masterbation of a #BB and would mind reminding the Q of exactly what that last exercise was. Recover, recover.


-These comments have been mostly woven into the fabric of the above paragraphs, as a courtesy to you, and at no extra charge, other than a mere minute or two of your PERSONAL (not corporate)…..personal reading time.

-Thanks Frosty, for the keys to this 'special' AO.

-It was the first time YHC worked out with Crack, since his 71 yo father's passing two weeks ago this Sat.  Mr. Plummer was a vet of The Glen, had shown up many times and kept up with us in strong Lear-like fashion, also shared his son's pleasant demeanor and all around great guy affect.  Mr. Plummer was married to his bride for over 50 years this past July, and is someone whom we can all look up to and respect for giving us one of our three Founding Fathers of F3RCUSA.  May your soul rest in peace, Mr. Plummer.