Mount at the Meat Locker

FNG-1 The QIC is Short Sale from the Hickory area

Normally YHC is a Catawba County regular but lately have found myself in and around the Denver area. After posting a few times down that way, the fellow PAX offered up a Q spot.
Well, I’m never going to turn down a good time, so sign me up!
That day was today and this is what went down;
Warm up;
We did the standard SSH’s IST’s and then we did some Catawba County favorite Hillbillies and Good Mornings.
In classic fashion, YHC chose his go to formula for a great workout.
KIS-MIS (keep it simple-make it suck)
So, the MOUNT workout it is;
Grab blocks
Do all exercises and then take a lap. After a lap, drop 1 rep down to 0.
M – merkins x10
O – overhead presses x10
U – up and over (merkins on block) x10
N – nose curls x10
T – tricep pulls aka bent over rows x10
Once all PAX finished we did a round of Asheville Abs IC x8
Blocks up, finished right on time.
Prayer requests, announcements
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another
You need this group for you and your family. The guy next to you needs this as well. You need to show up for the guy next to you and his family.
It was a blast doing work with you guys this morning.