I’m Always Activated

Event Date

Mar 07, 2024

Mounds is FNG 1

Has anyone gotten to a workout before Jobe? I know I haven’t. As usual, his truck was in the extra gloomy parking lot when I pulled in at 0455. He was just watching me go through my pre-run activation routine so I asked him if he had already activated. He responded “I never deactivate”. What a ledge!

Then Auto rolls up in not his Jeep. We had no clue who it was until he got out of the car.

The 3 of us rollout on The Standard. YHC pushed for 2.5 miles at an easy pace but there was a Goat Buster present so that didn’t happen. We got in the full 3. It was awesome!

Smokey lead the Pax in a warmup while YHC got into a fight with his phone key and rounded up kettle bells for the Pax. Thanks Smokes!

The Thang:

4 Rounds of (Auto, Jobe, and Smokey did 5 rounds):
10 – pull ups
15 – KB swings
20 – KB squats
25 – step ups each leg
Run the big lap around the church

I may have stole this workout from Jobe and inserted the step ups because step ups are amazing!

Then we did some ab work for about ten minutes.

Recover Recover.

Mounds and Wreck it Ralph – Way to get out in the gloom and crush it before school starts! This is awesome to see and I had a blast working out with yall!

I’m pretty sure Ichabod started F3 a few weeks ago and I could not keep up with him this morning. He smoked me. The man cant miss right now.

Am-Pam and Cobra made the workout look easy. These guys are total beast.

Auto, Jobe, and Smokey lead the way. Great push men! 5 rounds of that workout is insane!

Its always a great morning when I get to workout with Slingshot. He crushed it as usual and pushed me along the way. Awesome work bro!

It was a pleasure getting to Q such a fine group. 

See you at Candy Shop!





