Get the kettlebells out of the car
The Thang:
Circle of Kettlebell Pain:
3 sets of:
35lb kettlebell presses x 20
55lb kettlebell deadlift x 20
20lb kettlebell x 2 lunges x 20
25lb kettlebell curl x 20
30lb kettlebell swing x 20
45 kettlebell squat x 20
5 minute run
10 burpees
30 x LBC IC
9 burpees
25 x Low Dolly IC
8 burpees
20 x Rosalita IC
7 burpees
20 x Freddy Mercury IC
6 burpees
20 x elbow-to-knee IC
5 burpees
14 burpees (4,4,3,2,1)
This was strong post by strong regulars. The workout started with the iron and transitioned into a quick run with some regular Mary. May the fitness continue.