7 men appeared in the gloom to start there day off right moving metal
SSH, CP's, Windmills, Stretching, Arm Circles
The Thang:
20 reps of the following exercises with dumbbells:
Pull Through Squats / DL Row / Good Morning Alt Reverse Lunges
Bridge Bench Skull / Fly Hip Ups / Bench Flutter
777 / Hammers / Eccentric Curls
OH Pull Crunch / Scaption Crunch / Cockroach
Bent Row Kick / Bent Fly / Wing Fly
After doing 1 round pax repeated the above with 20 reps, pax did 10 reps of the above exercises to finish the workout. '
- All men had a strong showing today
- Thanks 911 for the 10 rep suggestion to finish the exercises
- Natty brought some good tunes for the workout
- The moon looked awesome this am with a thin cresent presence
- Schwinn got some "free balling" swim practice in this week ripping his shorts while doing a flip turn. He did get some " air time" though.
- Prayers go up for BOF's wife
- Strong work men! It was an honor!