MQ Brings the Joe

Event Date

Jan 16, 2024


Drebin announced he is doing a patch at Fallout for 4 Qs and 12 posts so YHC grabbed an early Q on the calendar. 

4 Pax gathered and we did a quick warmorama and took blocks to the track for 4 corners.

Round 1 involved – Low curls, merkins, squats, tippy birds

Round 2 involved – High curls, wide grip merkins, slow squats, and tippy birds

Round 3 involved – Full curls, diamond merkins, reverse lunges, and tippy birds

Head to the parking lot for stations. 1 person farmer carries to the median while the other 3 rotate through curls, skullcrushers, squats. We did 3 sets and then put blocks back.

Finish up with 5 minutes of Mary including pretzl crunch, rosalita, low flutter, and suzanne summers

Recover, recover

Drebin is nursing a neck injury but joined us for most of the workout with his weighted vest. He also provided coffee at the end of the workout. What a nice touch from the MQ. All the Pax joked he better be careful or this might set a precedent for the MQ to provide coffee after every Fallout. Was a good morning all around and good to meet Freedom who I’ve never posted with. Thanks for the keys Drebin. Until next time.