MQ Gets Back To Basics

A dirty dozen showed on this glorious Thursday morning to the finest AO in LKN.   The new MQ showed up with a plan to get down to the basics.  We've had a lot of games, and QvQs, and Dad's Camp.  Now it is just time to bring the pain!


All x15 IC:  SSH, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Mountain ClimBer, Toy Sailor…  but no IST to the pax chagrin.

The Thang

Counted off by 2's which was the worst example of doing so that YHC can recal.  There was some 4s and 6s, and some looks of bewilderment.  FYI, it should go something like this: 

"1".  "2".  "1".  "2".  "1".  "2".  "1".  "2". "1".  "2".  "1".  "2".   Better luck next time. 

Went over to the playground.  1's did pull-ups x10, 2's did dips x10.  Repeato.

At this point someone called for a threepeat… denied. 

Mosey down to Queens corner for some Freddie Mercs x15.  Good times!

Mosey up to the pain clock.  West side is 12 o'clock where ye all muster. 

x12 burpees, run CCW to 9 o'clock and do x9 burpees, same for 6 and 3 o'clock.

Extra points for doing another circle after the 3x burpees or just run back to 12 o'clock for the "six".

See what I did there?  Keeping everyone together.  No man left behind.  All that good Q stuff. 

Mosey down Travolta hill a ways.  Quadrafeelia up the mound, 10x squats up top, back down for 10x merkins. Then ladder down by x2 each lap (8x squats, 8 merkins, 6 and 6, 4 and 4, etc.)

Now run back up Travolta Hill.  The Force couldn't help but notice that it is more difficult running up the hill as it is running down it.  IKEA just responded "Science".  YHC agreed with both on both counts. 

Run to the Rock Pile, pick you out something "nice".  And it won't really matter because you are going to switch rocks every excercise.

Started off with the Gun Maker, the COLT 45!  15x lo curls, 15x hi curls, and 15 "Too Close For Missles, Switching to Guns" FULL CURL.   Followed by 15x Skull Krushers, Chest Press, Overhead Press, and Upright Rows.  Actually stopped at 10x on the O'head press as YHC arms were smoked!  Who picked that rock anyway?  Obviously cared about fitness!

Mosy back down to Queens corner for a round of Rocky Balboas and another set of Freddie Mercs.  YHC quipped "Who said "You can't do this twice."?"and someone replied "Me" and someone replied "The M" and someone said "That's what she said", but in the end we all did them anyway.  

Mosey up to the AO, circle around the tree for 


15x Flutter kicks, touch them heels, dieing cockroach, box cutter (going up in the box on 1…. so to speak), flip on our side for 20x Suzanne Summers, on our face for 15x Jay Los, and finish it off with 10x Shoulder touch Merkins, even though Snake Eyes wasn't there.  

Recover Recover

Thanks again to The Force for the honor of passing on the MQ of the Wilderness.  This has always been my favorite AO and I am lucky for it to be so close and have a fine group of neighbors attend.  No games were played today, but that doesn't mean we won't have them in a future.  Sometimes you just have to get back to the basics for a day.  

TG sends,
