MQ Swap Means EstwingNado

Event Date

Jun 14, 2023

YHC and Stray did a MQ swap where he took a Q at The Mighty Oak, and I got an opportunity to lead (and attend) my very first Ludicrous Speed!  Given the fact that yours truly has only run farther than 3 miles (on purpose) twice in my life, I was excited to introduce the boys at Ludicrous to a track version of the soon-t0-be-famous EstwingNado.


Drebin and Turnpike were there on time, with Deadhead and Tantrum bringing up the rear in the middle of the…


  • Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Hamstring Stretch


This is now the fourth AO to be blessed with my version of a “nado”.  The difference in mine is that all exercises are done as a group — removing the Sharknado element of eventually running by oneself (usually me) — and they are done in a progressive/compounding manner.

Do exercise 1, lap around the track. Do exercise 1, then exercise 2, lap around the track, etc.  Continue adding on until exercise 10.

  • Exercise 1:  1 Burpee OYO
  • Exercise 2:  2 Slow Deep Squats IC
  • Exercise 3:  3 Perfect Form Carolina Dry Docks OYO
  • Exercise 4:  4 Split Squat Jumps (Bonnie Blairs) IC
  • Exercise 5:  5 Butt Kickers IC
  • Exercise 6:  6 Plank Jacks OYO
  • Exercise 7:  7 High Knees IC
  • Exercise 8:  8 Mountain Climbers IC
  • Exercise 9:  9 Apollo Ohnos (Each Leg) OYO
  • Exercise 10:  10 Perfect Form Merkins OYO

We threw in a few core exercises for good form, but were able to complete all ten rounds with just enough time for a little…


  • WWII Sit-ups x 20
  • Freddie Mercury x 14 IC
  • Push-Throughs x 14 IC


  • Keeping the theme of other Ludicrous Speed backblasts I read in my research, Drebin is very fast and was consistently waiting for the pack to get back and do our exercises
  • Great work by Deadhead, who is still putting in the work despite also being in newborn survival mode
  • Always great to catch up with Turnpike who has been a great motivation and inspiration for me
  • I think Tantrum enjoyed the variety introduced with the cardio-forward exercises between laps… feel free to steal it!
  • Thanks to Stray for the chance to Q at this mighty fine AO