MQ switcheroo

14 men showed for a Q switcharoo.  The "table" was set, here's the story.
Indian Run around school to back parking lot and circle up.
10 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
Runners stretch
Table time!
4 men to each picnic table, plus 2 extra.  We did 3 rounds of the following:
10 Table Overhead presses IC
10 Incline Merkins IC (flip flop with Declines on second set)
10 LBCs IC
10 Dips IC
10 Touch butt (your own) to table IC
10 Russia Twists IC
Bulgarian Split squats, 10 each leg OYO
Step Ups, 10 each leg OYO
10 Box jumps OYO
1 lap around lot
Repeato x 2
10 Table Presses
10 Decline Merkins
10 Dips
Put tables back and Mosey to front parking lot for Mary
Rosalita x 15 Deep Dish
Blast off Merkin x 7 Travolta
Crunchy Frog x 15 Dingo
Big Baby Crunch x 15 Sweet C
Low Flutter x 15 Deep Dish
Touch them heels x 15 Deep Dish
Not much mumblechatter this morning, folks were focused on getting the work done.  YHC was quickly called out when starting a 4th set, as I did say we'd do three.  Didn't think we had time for the blocks I had planned, so I modified.  I did mention modifying in the Disclaimer…
Add Chimmichuri to the PAX list.
Thanks to Roadie for opportunity to lead this morning.  It was his idea to switch AOs today.  Mighty Oak is a great AO and has a strong group there.
Deep Dish