Mr. Hollands Requiem

Date & Time

May 20, 2023


See Twitter

I joined F3 back in 2018, where I found the website thanks to a car sticker and showed up to Emmaus not knowing what to expect.

Don Ho was the Q, we ran about 3 miles with a bunch of exercises (blast off burpees was the first one, can’t forget that) and I barely made it back. Best decision I’ve made.

On 5/20 I will be moving down to NODA, and although I won’t be that far away, making the drive up may not happen as much.

I want to thank you all for the past 5 years and hopefully see you on Saturday, 5/20 for my Q at Bedrock! Donuts and coffee post beatdown that you won’t want to miss!


P.S. I would love any and all help on 5/20 moving so if you happen to be free later that same day please let me know! Pizza and beer will be provided 😀


See you soon……. Mr. Holland