Mr. Trump, tear down this wall! So we can let in more tacos…

Event Date

Jan 30, 2019

We ran.  For five miles.  It was cold.  But enough of that, let's talk about tacos.

Seriously though, it was a big night for us – the taco truck was OPEN!  Many Night Ranger regulars have been distressed, our beloved taco truck has been closing early since Daylight Savings time or so – at least three months.  So as we began the five-mile route tonight and noticed the truck was open… several of us took the opportunity to shout over "one hour, we'll be back!".  Then the Gods smiled upon us, as we were rewarded with the sweet reward of finish-line $1 tacos.

Highlights from the evening included:

1) Duvall having a heart attack scare.  JK, he's fine – still kicking @$$ and taking names, getting relay kills off men boys half his age.  And doing it with STYLE, have you seen his pride shoes?

2) Mona Lisa demolishing 14 tacos.  That makes 22 in 30 hours that I have personally witnessed.  I still remain stupefied how this man is not our taco eating champion, Jolly Roger must have planted the kryptonite himself in the form of Sabor raw onions and extra grease.

3) Freedom flashed the new wheels tonight.  Quite the good-looking steed, notably an upgrade from the Prius – which just SCREAMED manliness.

4) Zamboni pushing the pace to unnecessary highs (lows?).  Thank you for pushing me to a PR on the route!

5) Strutter was unusually quiet tonight, we all agreed he's plotting something up in Mooresvilleistan.

6) Always a pleasure to see Jenny… full of mumble chatter, drinking beers, bitching about everything.

No but seriously, thank you gents for the solid 2nd F.  Been having a rough few days myself, and I just wanted to zone out and run and/or be completely distracted by some good fun… mission accomplished.  Thank you brothers, see you in the gloom.
