Much RESPECT to the PAX, but no MERCY from the Q

Event Date

May 21, 2016

Warm up mosey to PUF for combination of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, and 


(1st Half):

Movement 1: Carolina Dry Docks x 20

Movement 2: Merkins x 20

Movement 3: Air Squats x 20 (This is the part where Mini Me shows up)

Movement 4: 80 yrd. Sprint x 4

Movement 5: 2 PAX for Tire Flips x 10 – Remaining PAX for LBC's, then flapjack

REPEATO…ALL 5 Movements!

REPEATO…ALL 5 Movements!

(2nd Half):

Movement 1: Seal Claps x 40

Movement 2: Burpees x 10

Movement 3: Monkey Humpers x 30

Movement 4: Fast run around the Softball Field, staying off the grass of course,  (about 1/3 of a mile)

Movement 5: 2 PAX for Tire Flips x 10 – Remaining PAX for WWII Sit Ups, then flapjack

REPEATO…ALL 5 Movements!

REPEATO…ALL 5 Movements!

(Bonus Round):

One Final 80 yard sprint and then ALL YOU GOT back to the cars. 

Recover! Recover!!


Thanks to the 3 #HIM who posted this AM.  There was not a lot of mumberchatter, but a whole lot of sweating instead. 

Packer and Zuul may have seniourity over most PAX around here, but that didn't stop either of them from crushing every part of this workout.  Strong, #RESPECT

Mini Me did a good job too, once he finally showed up.  Hope you enjoyed the pancakes afterwards.