Muddy Balls

Event Date

Apr 15, 2023

YHC showed up a little early for setup and a solo standard. It ended up taking quite some time to get setup as the tire was FULL of water so it became a short 2-mile standard but a standard nonetheless.

What appeared to be a 2 PAX workout turned into a three pax workout as out cold pulled in just in time.



To include: chumbawamba tubthumping – With burpees when you hear “I get knocked down, but I get up again”



Pain stations

*Farmers carry blocks

*Toss the medicine ball over pull up bar

*Flip the tire

Mosey a lap

*Mosey across the parking lot

*Tire jump ups

*Shoulder Press

Mosey a lap       

*Lunge walk

*Tire incline merkins


Mosey a lap       



*Despite a strong urge to fartsack this morning, due to swollen throat, Firestone pushed through and came out to give it all he had. Well done.

*Out cold informed us he was on a 22ish day streak of working out every day since joining F3. Way to go brother. Keep up the excellent work.

*Out cold also agreed to VQ soon at the Wilderness with me as his Co Q. Stay tuned for that date and come out to support him.