Muddy Sneakers

Event Date

Feb 08, 2020

3 Men gathered on a cool morning.  Cherry Bomb had just completed the RR10k and had no idea what was about to happen.  The PB said no run to the rock!

Run up and out of school headed to Carrington Ridge.  Wait that new sidewalk on the left looks inviting… over there.

Run up and around new fields all to back and around.

Run back to launch and to track

800 yard run fast

1 lap slow

400 yard fast

Cool down mosey around middle school and back to launch and done

Couple of interesting things happened around new park, first I took a step into one of a massive mud puddle, almost took a spill, interestingly enough after watching me the PAX tried to go around, had almost the same result in a slightly smaller puddle.  Separately, watch those fences!  Seriously I ran right onto one hanging off the post, guess that's why they have do not enter signs.  Yes YHC had to pull a pit stop between the sprints, but it was worth it.  Thanks to both 98 and Cherry Bomb for accomodating my curiousity and putting in some tough laps near the end.  Cherry Bomb solid job on the triple, I'm working back towards doing those myself.