I men ventured out into the morning gloom known as Java. Ultimate was also there just not in the system yet.
Mosey to Walgreens for some warmarama. 14 SSH, 15 Imperial Stormtroopers, 15 Cotton pickers, 10 windmills
Run up 73 to the fake fountain. 10 merkins, 20 LBCs
Run to Elevation Church. 10 wide merkins, 20 Freddy Mercury
Run to Robbins Park. 15 dips, 15 heels to heaven
Run back to Elevation chuch. 10 hand release merkins, 20 LBCs
Run to the fake fountain. 10 shoulder touch merkins, 20 Freddy Mercury
Run back to home base at Starbucks.
Fast crew today! Ultimate and I were at the back sucking wind and we averaged a 9:39 pace.
Fenway talked the entire time he was running. I know that suprises everyone :o)
Stromboli and I did not talk while we were running. I know that surprises everyone even more.
Good to see Einstein out with the Java crew! He ran strong and didn't look tired at all!
Frogger, Riverboat and Hacker running strong as usual.