Muggy morning at BRP

Event Date

Jul 01, 2017


5 gathered for a humid Saturday morning for a beatdown featuring a track, rocks, stairs, and pools of sweat!  Here's what we did:

Mosey to pavilion


SSH x 20

Windmill x 15

IST x 15

Cotton picker x 15

Downward dog / calf stretch / pigeon

Mountain climber x 15


Mosey to track

Run 100m, CDD x 15 IC

100 m, CDD x 10 IC

100m, CDD x 5 IC

100m, CDD x 5

Repeato with squats

Mosey to rock pile, exercises x 15 IC

Straight leg dead lift, curls, shoulder press, bent over rows, skull crushers

Stairs:  one-legged hops, two legged hops with 5 Mericans at top each time

Repeato rocks, x 10 IC

Repeato stairs

On track, WW2 situps x 15, 100m jog, WW2 situps x 10

Mosey to playground for dips x 15 IC


W x 15

Windshield wiper x 10

Pretzel Crunch x 15 each leg

Homer to Marge a few times

Low flutter x 15

Shoulder touch Mericans x 10

Elbow plank 30 sec


– Good time with a small group — I think everyone got what they came for

– It sure was muggy!  Full disclosure: on my way home from the workout I thought I was going to pass out so I had to pull over and execute an airborne mind bender in the front yard of a set of townhouses.  Made it home, refueled with Nuun and amino acids, and all is well.

– T-Claps to Hall Monitor for a solo standard

– Great to see M-16 out today, and Hall Monitor mentioned that Late Night was here last week (I think for a similar workout — at least the running part) – keep coming back!

– Thanks to Uncle Rico for taking us out, and he also mentioned wanting to play "Jail Break" — we need to make that happen!

– Happy Independence Day everyone — it's a great country and we should celebrate it!  (Also, congrats to Canada, who turns 150 today – home country of my M)

Waffle House