Muggy or Humid?

Event Date

Jun 03, 2024

5 PAX for a humid Monday morning. Or was it just muggy? Either way, it ended with sweat.

Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 20, slow windmills IC X 10, runners stretch right into groin holds for 5 count, middle hang, runners stretch left into groin holds for 5 count, carrot pullers IC X 15, catchers pose for 5 count, IST IC X 10 

Timed Lap around the school = 3 minutes 

Upper body work: skull crushers X 15, overhead press X 15, high curls X 15, full curls X 15, low curls X 15, reverse lunges X 10 each leg 

Timed Lap around the school = 3 minutes 22 seconds 

On your 6: KB LBCs X 15, windshield wipers IC X 10, skull crushers X 12, AMRAP chest press for 1 min

Timed Lap around the school = 3 minutes 23 seconds 

Legs: side lunges X 10 each leg, goblet squats X 12

Obstacle course: forward mosey under covered side entrance up to the bricks, side shuffle along bricks, reverse plyometric run under covered main entrance, reverse the course 

Circle up: mericans position for KB side to side X 10 each side, 7 count body builder 

Announcements: F3 Dads camp – check social media for signups

Prayers: Peggy for valve surgery. First Responders. Unspokens among all PAX

As I shared in COT about the tragic passing of Captain John Robertson, this Bible Verse hung in the entrance way of his apartment for anyone to see and read,

‭John 14:1 ESV‬
[1] “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.  🥹 This young man was strong 💪🏼. A prime example of someone who lead a Christ like Life 🙏🏼
