Mulligan VS AM-PM


A quick warm-up took place. While we waited on AM-PM to arrive.



Mulligan went first and it went like this:

*AC/DC – Thunderstruck

    -Do squats during the entire song until you hear “Thunder” at which point drop for a burpee. Roughly 40 burpees over 5 minutes.

   -Mosey to the balls by the school entrance. Partner up. Partner wheelbarrow crawls while weaving in and out of the balls. Down and back.

   -Mosey to the back of the school. Split into two groups. One group performs an exercise while the other group moseys across the parking lot and back as the timer.

     *Balls to the wall

     *Wall sits with block overhead

     *Hand Release Merkins.


AM-PM took over and it went like this (best I can remember):

*He pledged his love for UNC basketball much to the PAX’s dismay.

*We ran two suicides to the basketball goals.

*He set up a Tabata circuit incorporating basketball exercises.

   -Glute Bridges

   -Curls with press

   -Side-to-side things



   -Line hopping things



*We then witnessed the saddest thing you have ever seen. Pax attempted to play Knockout.

    -Never have I seen so many airballs (I was part of that).

    -Roadie even managed to get attacked by the fence.



*First off I want to thank AM-PM for participating. Glad we got to square off together and looking forward to working out with you more.

*Burpees was a risky move on my part but I feel having a challenging workout is an important part of the overall success.

*Many PAX had never done the wall sits with block overhead. Need to work that in more, it sucks.

*Great to see some new faces (That I have never seen). Thanks for coming out.

*I picked the wrong day to wear a UNC hoodie. As the PAX chastised AM PM on his love for them I tried to take it off and toss it on the roof. (Was a fan as a kid until I went to college and then my allegiance changed to ASU)

*If you haven’t heard AM-PM is the MQ at DragonSlayer which is now closer to Mighty Oak so swing by and see him and grab a Q.

*On to the next round…
