Mully’s Stairs

Event Date

Nov 05, 2022


(re-posting bb from regular email into official bb system…)
2 emerged from the darkest gloom.  Looking forward to daylight savings.  Warmer than expected and overcast.  
Did a little Ode to Mulligan and his favorite stairs.  Here’s how it went down.
SSH, windmills, Gma Maters, arm circles, snap-crackle-pops, merkins
Shirley’s back has been barky so we did some extra stretching
The Thing:   Ode to Mully’s Stairs
Go grab a block from the back
Block hand offs as we mosey to the 69-steps down to the dock behind YHC’s old house
** along the way, a short but heavy downpour surprises us both **
** mucho disclaimers running down wet steps with leaf/pine cone/branch cover **
** plans to blame Skipper firmly planted **
Run down the 69 steps to end of the dock, 5 burpees, and back up.
A squats…B WWIs…flip flop
down, 5 burps, up
A Colt 45’s…B planks/bird dogs…flip flop
down, 5 burps, up
A block presses…B air squats…flip flop
down, 5 burps, up
feel like we may have done 1 or 2 more…#old
mosey back to the AO
block back
20 pull ups
30 heal touch oblique work
Freddy Mercury
box cutters
That’s a wrap
Reflection:  Proverbs 15:1-2
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly.”
* Raising teenagers can be challenging.  Sometimes they do things that require discussions.
* a soft answer vs a harsh word
** One is intentional, requiring listening and then answering.  This turns away or calms wrath.
** The other sounds off-the-cuff and emotional.  This stirs up anger.
* Commending knowledge requires observing someone else doing something well and then providing positive reinforcement.
* It’s easy to be reactive and say foolish things.
* Be wise.  Avoid being foolish.
– The rain and then drizzle may have been a surprise, but it was better than just a heavy, muggy slog.
– No injuries up and down the steps.  Phew!
– Shirley busts it up like a champ, regardless of his barky back.
– Congrats to the Lincoln Charter boys (2nd), North Lincoln girls (1st), and North Lincoln boys (2nd) XC teams at States.  
Make good choices…be wise.
It was an honor to lead today
: )